Our Specialities

Pain Management
Don’t let pain cripple you and prevent you from attaining your goals. Be it Joint pain, Muscle pain, Nerve pain, Ayurveda has wonderful pain management therapies both internal and external specifically depending upon the underlying cause.

Skin Diseases
Skin disorders are very complex and depressing. Understanding the reason behind is crucial in treating skin disorders.
Ayurveda has the best natural solution to uproot even the chronic if treated with patience and care.

Obesity may not always be related with increased food intake.
There are other reasons like reduced thyroid hormones or Poly cystic Ovarian disorder (PCOD).
Ayurveda provides treatment for obesity by clearing the root cause with minimal side effects.

Conditions related to Hair
Hair loss and Dandruff has become common complaints among people and the causes are plenty..
Ayurveda provides a lot more effective therapies than just applying oil to the scalp to manage conditions related to hair.

Digestive Disorder
Ayurveda has quoted that all the diseases are caused by disorders of digestion and metabolism.
So it has documented effective solutions for maintaining good digestive health which will ultimately contribute to the overall health of a person.

Recurrent headaches can be a great headache.
Ayurveda provides a wide variety of internal and external therapies specifically based on the type and cause that will help you get relief from the headache

Mental Stress
Mental Stress can be a great hindrance to your peaceful life.
Ayurveda along with Yoga can be a powerful combination in managing mental stress
All it requires is a little patience and discipline.

Allergy/Hypersensitivity can be different in different persons.
Ayurveda treats allergy by increasing the immunity and tolerance of the person towards foreign bodies.

Infertility/Sexual Problems
To rekindle your flames and to tackle conditions like Low sperm count, Premature Ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and Infertility, there are very effective treatments in Ayurveda.

Menstural Disorders
Menstural disorders due to hormonal imbalance are common in young women whereas complications of Menopause are common in elderly women. Both can be managed naturally with Ayurvedic medicine, diet and life style.

Different De-addiction therapies are available which are in natural
with minimal side effects.

Disturbed Sleep
A good sleep is when your mind and body gets repaired.
So sleep is given at most priority in Ayurveda along with food. Though the reasons can be many Ayurveda is considered to have the safest treatments.

Heel Spur/ Calcaneal Spur
Calcaneal spur is a very painful condition that disturbs walking and other day to day life activities to a great extent. Through Ayurveda it can be managed well with natural remedies.

General Weakness / Immunodeficiency
Immunity is very essential for a person to fight diseases. Ayurveda has its unique concept of immunity and its own approach towards immuno-modulation.

All kinds of Arthritis or related conditions can be cured easily through Ayurveda without steroids or use of other chemicals which has serious side effects if brought in its early stage.